Dolmeh Bademjan - Persian Stuffed Aubergines
Main dishes Hami Sharafi Main dishes Hami Sharafi

Dolmeh Bademjan - Persian Stuffed Aubergines

Dolmeh Bademjan are Persian stuffed aubergines/eggplants. This dish is popular in many different countries and each has its own version. In this recipe I show you my take on the Persian version of this tasty, flavourful dish.

Dolmeh Bademjan can easily be made vegetarian by replacing the meat with more rice and yellow split peas.

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Kashke Bademjan – Persian Aubergine Dip
Appetisers, Vegetarian Hami Sharafi Appetisers, Vegetarian Hami Sharafi

Kashke Bademjan – Persian Aubergine Dip

Kashke Bademjan is a popular Persian aubergine dip, that is usually served as an appetiser!

It is made of eggplants, or aubergines as we call them here in the UK, garlic, onions and kashk. Kashk is made of drained yogurt and has a distinct flavour, that’s quintessential for Kashke Bademjoon. You can serve this mouthwatering dip with any bread you like, for example Persian Lavash or Taftoon.

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