Torshi-e Bademjan-e Shekampor - Persian Stuffed Aubergine/Eggplant Pickles
Pickles Hami Sharafi Pickles Hami Sharafi

Torshi-e Bademjan-e Shekampor - Persian Stuffed Aubergine/Eggplant Pickles

Stuffed eggplant pickle is a popular dish in many cuisines, especially in regions like the Middle East and South Asia. It typically consists of small eggplants or aubergines that are cut and stuffed with a flavorful mixture before being preserved in a pickling solution.

Pickles are an essential part of Persian cuisine. You can find many different kinds of pickles on every Persian dinner table. Stuffed eggplant pickle is one of the delicious Iranian pickles that you can prepare and enjoy in all seasons.

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