Dolmeh Felfel – Persian Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed Peppers are popular in many countries around the world and each has its own version of them. Today I’d love to show you the Persian version of this juicy, delicious dish: Dolmeh-ye Felfel.

I spiced the recipe up with some optional hot peppers in there and a bit of smoked paprika powder. I encourage you to experiment with it and create your personal favourite version of stuffed peppers.

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Dolmeh Felfel Recipe - Felfel Dolme Recipe - Stuffed Peppers Recipe


Prep: 30 min

Cook: 1h 15 min

Total: 2h

Ingredients for 4 servings

200g / 1 cup basmati rice

4 mixed peppers (I used sweet pointed peppers but you can use bell peppers, if you prefer)

250g / 0.55 lbs mince/ground beef or lamb

55g / 1/4 cup split peas

1 onion

4 cloves garlic

10 sprigs of fresh parsley

10 sprigs of fresh basil

10 sprigs of tarragon

4 tbsp vegetable oil

2 tbsp tomato paste

1 tbsp butter

2 tsp turmeric

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp black pepper

1 tsp salt (plus extra to season)

Large tomato(es), if you have too much stuffing

Fresh hot peppers of any kind (optional)

Some cherry tomatoes (optional)

Method of preparing Dolmeh Felfel

If using fresh herbs, wash them so that they have time to dry before you chop them.

Prepare the rice

Wash the rice until the water almost runs clear.

Transfer it into a small (ideally non-stick) pot and add 350 ml / 1/2 cup cold water to it. Season with salt. 

Put it over medium heat until it’s simmering. Let it simmer this way until the water is reduced and you see small holes forming in the rice. Then put on the lid and reduce the temperature to low. Let the rice steam this way for 30 minutes.

Prep the split peas

In the meantime bring some water to boil in another small pot. Add the split peas and wait for the water to boil again. Then reduce the heat to medium and let them cook for about 15 to 30 minutes. The cooking time varies from brand to brand. Make sure they are cooked all the way through, then drain them and set them aside.

In the meantime, sear the meat

Heat 2 tbsp of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Sear the meat in it for about 10 minutes until golden brown. While sautéing, divide the mince/ground meat into fine crumbles, using a spatula.

Season with 1 tsp smoked paprika, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp black pepper and salt. Transfer the meat from the pan to a deep plate or bowl.

Finely chop the parsley, basil and tarragon and add them to the meat.

Cook the sauce

Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic cloves.

Heat 2 tbsp vegetable oil in the frying pan. Gently sauté the chopped onion in it over medium heat. 

After 5 minutes add the garlic and sauté both together for another 3 minutes.

Add the tomato paste, butter and 240ml / 1 cup freshly boiled water to the onions. Season with 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp black pepper and salt.

Let the sauce simmer for about 5 minutes. Then transfer it to the pan you want to cook the stuffed aubergines in (one that has a lid).

Pepper Dolma Recipe - Dolma Recipe - Dolmeye Felfel Recipe

Cut the peppers

If you’re using pointed peppers, as I did, cut the peppers lengthwise in half and remove the seeds. If you like, you can fry the halves you want to use as lids in a little veg oil to slightly char them.

If you’re using bell peppers, cut off the top instead. Cut the placenta and seeds off the lids and remove any seeds in the bottom parts.

Stuff and cook the peppers

By now the rice should be cooked. Combine the meat, rice and split peas.

Generously fill the bottom halves/parts with the stuffing. If you’re using pointed peppers, you might end up with extra stuffing. If so, you can also carve out a large tomato and fill it. Place the stuffed peppers in the pan with the sauce and put on the top halves/parts. If you like, you can add some fresh hot peppers and/or cherry tomatoes.

Put the lid on the pan and turn the temperature on low. Let the stuffed peppers cook for 30 minutes.

Serve the peppers on a bed of sauce. Enjoy!


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